Judge Jonathan Rose after a lengthy trial pronounced a six year jail
term for Adam Johnson for having sexual relations with an underage girl,
with some saying that the punishment was too harsh given that it was
his first reported case plus the fact his career will be ended by the
long prison sentence. The County Durham police have revealed Judge
Rose's full statement. Read it after the cut

my view that offence is also a Category A offence in terms of
culpability. I identify the following factors as being present: There
was undoubtedly significant planning involved, in the communications and
in the arrangement of meetings.
is an abuse of trust, inasmuch as those who enjoy positions of what
today is known as 'celebrity' are trusted by their fans and the family
of fans to act in an entirely appropriate manner towards, in particular,
young people who are less able to protect themselves.
You solicited sexual images of [the victim], albeit that you did not receive any naked photographs of her.
There was a significant disparity in age; [she] was 15 and you 27 at the time.
identify the following aggravating factors: the location and timing of
the offence – the dark and secluded location and the efforts to dispose
of or conceal evidence.
You made to have [the victim] dispose of the WhatsApp messages and you yourself deleted over 800 messages.
''You required the subsequent change to using Snapchat messages because they would automatically delete.''
You repeatedly directed [the victim] that she should tell no one what was happening as between you.''
A further aggravating factor in such cases is where there is severe psychological harm...
I have read with care the reports to which I have already referred and listed with care to Dr Hopley.
seems to me they speak of a person with a gift for football who enjoyed
success from an early age, yet whose immaturity both physical and
mental caused difficulties and may in part explain why, notably when you
had moved to play for Manchester City you embarked on an extensive
social life which involved sexual activity on a very frequent basis with
a number of different partners, even when you were ostensibly in a
settled relationship.''
made a deliberate decision to engage in sexual activity with this young
girl, no doubt in the expectation that you would get away with it.'
speaks of entering many dark places in that year and said she had
suffered bullying and stress and had underachieved at school as a result
of the case.'
the total sentence is one of 6 years' imprisonment... The sentence you
must serve will doubtless contribute to deterring you from future
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